with ADHD report significant difficulties at work. The research tells us that
they often change jobs. Sometimes this is because they are fired. However, they
also tend to resign frequently, either because they are bored, or they feel
that their work is not up to standard, and they will be “found out” At times,
they struggle socially, finding it difficult to make sense of office politics. Occupational
health and safety records also show that people with ADHD tend to have
workplace accidents more frequently than their peers. While the research
highlights the difficulties experienced in the workplace for people with ADHD,
there is little or no research into what might help make the workplace more
Barkley recently published an article in the ADHD Report which provides advice
for employers wanting to support their staff with ADHD. Here is a summary of
his information:
1. Employers need to educate themselves
about the nature and causes of ADHD. Once they understand that it is a
neurobiological disorder and not a lifestyle choice, they will be more inclined
to support workers who are experiencing difficulties.
2. People with ADHD have Executive
Function (EF) impairments. The Executive Functions include planning,
self-motivation, self-awareness, self-restraint, emotional self-control and working
memory (holding goals in mind, and the methods to achieve them). These
impairments will obviously cause them difficulties at work.
3. Instructions should be clear, and given
in written form. Help employees to develop a daily, weekly, monthly to-do list
that makes sense to them, and ensure that tasks are carried out.
4. ADHD is the ultimate time management
disorder. People with ADHD underestimate how long tasks will take, and they
also overestimate how long they have to complete tasks. This results in a mad
rush as the deadline approaches. Employers could help by showing the passage of
time as the project proceeds – a whiteboard would be good for this.
5. Long-term projects need to be broken
down into much smaller steps.
6. Build in accountability for people
with ADHD – (and do it with sensitivity).
7. Sometimes working in teams is very
useful for people with ADHD, as they provide an accountability-partner. They
also allow individuals to use their strengths, and leave their partner to use
8. Build in frequent rewards. Productivity-related goals could be
9. There is some evidence to show that
people with ADHD drift towards self-employment. If that is the case, they need
to ensure that they have accountability in place for “unappealing” tasks (such
as BAS statements and paperwork in general).
10. Some people with ADHD are happier in
jobs that are more physical, manual or social. Also, some people need their
work to have variety or high stimulus,(such as hospital emergency departments)
in order to prevent boredom. Be aware if that is the case.
11. People with ADHD are generally not
good at paperwork, especially if it is repetitive, tedious or boring. Provide support
in the form of an admin assistant or a form of accountability.
12. Do your best to match your employees
job to his interests, in order to get the best results.
13. Encourage your employee to have CBT or
coaching to build their life skills.
14. People with ADHD may experience peak
levels of alertness later than fellow workers. For this reason, they may at
their most productive in the early afternoon.
15. Try to limit distractions – an open
plan office might not be the best option for someone with ADHD. Allow workers
to limit mental distractions by listening to music or white noise on earphones
16. Consider your method of delivery when
training employees with ADHD. Take time to find out how they learn best, and
train them accordingly
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