Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Teaching how to tell the time - ADHD Coach Perth

The following task sheet was provided by Sylvia Byers, Educational Consultant Extraordinaire.

Time is such a difficult concept for people with ADHD to grasp. This task sheet helps children to understand and use an analogue clock in a detailed series of simple steps.

To say the names of the numerals from 1 to 12.

To identify the numerals 1 to 12.

To count to sixty by ones using a number line.

To recognise that the sixty numerals on a number line match up in a one-to-one correspondence with the sixty minute marks on a clockface.

To recognise that the circumference of a clockface is like a number line that is curved.

To recognise that the longer minute hand is the pointer for the ‘60” line.

To count clockwise by ones every minute mark from the zero mark on a clockface to determine the number of minutes after an hour indicated by the longer pointer.

To say “……… minutes after” the hour.

To place the numerals 1 to 12 in order on a number line and then count them aloud.

To move the numerals 1 to 12 from their number line position to their clockface position.

To read aloud all of the numerals on a clockface in a clockwise direction starting at 12.

To recognise the relationship between the placement of numerals on the “12” number line and the multiples of five on the “60” number line when both number lines are of the same length.

To map the multiples of five on the “60” number line onto the “12” number line in a counting sequence using the idea of many-to-one relation.

To keep a tally on the “12” number line the number of times one counts to sixty on the “60” number line.

To recognise that the tally counter on the “12” number line is doing the same job as the hour hand on the clockface.

To show zero minutes after the hour with the minute pointer.

To say “o’clock” when the minute hand is at the top centre position pointing to the “12” on the clockface.

To read ….:00 as o’clock.

To recognise that the minute hand (longer pointer) points to the top centre of the clockface when the clock reads ….:00.

To associate the word “o’clock” with “…:00” and the top centre position of the minute hand.

To associate hours with the numeral indicated by the shorter hour hand on the clockface.

To determine the hours indicated by the numeral that the hour hand is pointing to when the minute hand is pointing to the top centre of the clockface.

To recognise that the longer hand is always pointing to the numeral 12 when the hour hand points directly to a numeral on the clockface.

To show a designated time on the clockface: time designated will be on the hour.

To read aloud the time as indicated by the positions of the hands for the time on the hour.

To say “o’clock” when reading or referring to time on the hour.

To identify time on the hour.

To recognise that the hour hand moves slowly from one numeral to the next in relation to the movement of the minute hand.

To tell time correctly to the minute using the language “after the hour.”

To recognise that thirty minutes after the hour is the same as (is another name for) “half after the hour.”

To say “half after the hour.”

To show time on the half hour.

To identify time on the half hour.

To say minutes and hours in sequence, “thirty-one minutes after 7.”

To count by fives on the “60” number line.

To count by fives on a clockface using the numerals one to twelve as a guide.

To count multiples of five on a clockface as indicated by the numeral on the clockface to which the longer hand is pointing.

To say the minutes and hours in sequence when the minutes are multiples of five, “twenty minutes after 4” or “forty-five minutes after 11.”

To tell time to the minute using the language after the hour with facility by counting first by fives and then by ones until the position of the minute hand is reached.

To recognise that fifteen minutes after the hour is another name for a quarter after the hour, and that thirty minutes after is another name for half after the hour.

To say “quarter after the hour.”

To recognise that forty-five minutes after the hour for three-quarters after the hour.

To recognise that three-quarters after the hour is another name for a quarter before the next hour.

To recognise that another name for a quarter before the next hour is fifteen minutes before the next hour.

To recognise that forty-five minutes after one hour is another name for fifteen minutes before the next hour.

To use the language “after the hour” when referring to the number of minutes the minute hand has travelled past the numeral 12 on a clockface, and use the language “before the hour” when referring to the number of minutes the minute hand must travel to reach the number 12 again during a span of sixty minutes.

To count in a clockwise direction the number of minutes the minute hand must traverse to reach the numeral 12.

To count in a anti-clockwise direction from the numeral 12 to determine how many minutes the minute hand must travel before it will reach the numeral 12.

To tell time to the minute using the language “n minutes after the hour”, “n minutes before the hour”, ¼ after,” “1/2 after”, and “1/4 before.”

To show the correct time on a clockface in response to the language “n minutes after. N minutes before. ¼ after. ½ after. ¼ before.” When these times are spoken.

To show the correct time on a clockface in response to the written forms: “8:00, 8:16, a quarter to nine, 8:30, half after 8, 8:45, 8:53.”

To draw the hands on a clockface to show designated times.

To show time on a clockface expressed in writing.

To identify the time shown on a clockface by selecting the correct written response from a set of pictures of clocks.

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